His Soul hurts.... there on the battle ground called life King Ari looked at himself battling quietly with accepting CHANGE... The King who told lil baby and Gina Tae in confidence that he wanted a Queen, someone he could adore and would love him with no restraint. Lil baby and Gina Tae aka Mean One were as hard as they came but they believed every Soul had a right to experience true love. They also knew whoever chose love could not be Punks bc Love was the master teacher of vulnerability, breath, creativity and alchemy.
Love was a fighter and active choice to set aside pain, violation and trauma to be pure dedication to give and share with no restraint. Lil Baby and Mean One knew he might need some assistance in identifying who... So Lil Baby used his connection with the Angels and petitioned the assistance of Archangel Raphael.
Archangel Raphael came down to watch King Ari and how he moved about life. Though he was King and ruled with such strict laws, the King loved to dance.... He loved to smile and be silly. Raphael questioned why so many rules so he walked back in time to see the Young Prince.It was clear he was a genius. Though a Prince the kingdom in which he was born did not protect his innocence or feed the beautiful light he carried. So he learned to fight to ensure his physical protection but soon learned that his heart needed the same provision.
Becoming a young man he followed attitudes and behaviors of culture trying his hand at establishing stability based on guidelines given to no avail found himself alone. Clear he would learn from his missteps and be wiser in matters of the heart.... But more rules were added. The more rules..the more control he has over his life. Making it damn near impossible for anyone to move beyond his loving distance.
King Ari was sexy and groomed with all the trappings a woman would want. So a girlfriend could be presented with a dozen roses, the emission of his Sun like smile or even the holding of his hand. It meant nothing to him other than the small pleasure he had granted himself with another. King Ari LOVE was observant and analytical..... So his mind found constant imperfections with the women he entertained leaving them thirsty desiring more. The King was a tease ever so gently breaking the hearts of women who dared to feel for him.
Archangel Raphael went to Lil baby and questioned if the King really desired a Queen to love. It appeared the King was quite content with his adult toys and periodic human exchange with the opposite sex. Raphael was not certain such a man was really ready. So he agreed to return to observe once more before determining if he would grant this man's wish of LOVE.
The Angel sat in the corner of his bedroom which was cold with the colors of blue and gray. This being the first time seeing the King rest. He watched him wrestle the pillow and then hold tight waiting for slumber to come. After much time staring at the ceiling, he would drift off to sleep. But there in the land of no rules, the King trembled and shook awakening abruptly breathing strained. There in his eyes Raphael saw what no rules cost him, no matter how much he pretended and paraded his slogan of not caring.
Raphael agreed to his involvement in ensuring King Ari experienced true love. Assigning rescue Angels to be in search of a tender, insightful, loving and brave woman. She was found with heart intact but not without disappointment and Self-reflection on how she could be better to herself for herself.