The Peerless Man With a Thousand Gifts
img img The Peerless Man With a Thousand Gifts img Chapter 10 Manipulation
Chapter 18 Behind His Back img
Chapter 19 Answers img
Chapter 20 Let Me In img
Chapter 21 Class Upgraded img
Chapter 22 The Concert img
Chapter 23 Back Home img
Chapter 24 Another Conspiracy img
Chapter 25 Instant Retribution 1 img
Chapter 26 Instant Retribution 2 img
Chapter 27 A Friend In Need img
Chapter 28 The Reunion img
Chapter 29 Mayfair Lagoon img
Chapter 30 The Favor img
Chapter 31 The Billionaire Goddess img
Chapter 32 Private Talk img
Chapter 33 The Decent Proposal img
Chapter 34 The Indecent Proposal img
Chapter 35 Gangsters img
Chapter 36 Exploitation img
Chapter 37 Consolation and Credit img
Chapter 38 Dark History img
Chapter 39 Treachery Begins At Home img
Chapter 40 How Dare You! img
Chapter 41 Victor's Wrath img
Chapter 42 Pimps-in-law img
Chapter 43 An Empire Has Fallen img
Chapter 44 Divorce Proceedings img
Chapter 45 It's Not A Date img
Chapter 46 Return of the Blackwells img
Chapter 47 Return of the Blackwells 2 img
Chapter 48 New Guests img
Chapter 49 Fierce Confrontation img
Chapter 50 Donnie Knows No Fear img
Chapter 51 A Fight To The Death img
Chapter 52 Bow Down To Caesar img
Chapter 53 Returning The Favor img
Chapter 54 The Elite Gathering img
Chapter 55 Identity Revealed img
Chapter 56 The Triumvirate img
Chapter 57 Queen of Flowers img
Chapter 58 Confrontation With The Ex img
Chapter 59 You Have Changed img
Chapter 60 Prince Damien img
Chapter 61 The Scandal img
Chapter 62 Tristar's Launch img
Chapter 63 Haley's Arrival img
Chapter 64 The Twin Sisters img
Chapter 65 The Next Big Star img
Chapter 66 Feelings img
Chapter 67 Who's Kyle img
Chapter 68 Dave's Story img
Chapter 69 The Models Agency img
Chapter 70 Shannon Junior img
Chapter 71 Death Wish img
Chapter 72 The Best Day Of Her Life img
Chapter 73 The Worst Day Of Her Life img
Chapter 74 Stranger In The Looking Glass img
Chapter 75 Gerald's Worst Nightmare img
Chapter 76 Lobo The Brute img
Chapter 77 Reversal Of Fortune img
Chapter 78 The Blackwell Prince img
Chapter 79 Who Is The Mysterious Man img
Chapter 80 Sparkling Soy img
Chapter 81 Threesome img
Chapter 82 Is She A Villainess img
Chapter 83 Charming Man img
Chapter 84 The Bolton Arrival img
Chapter 85 Regal Rock img
Chapter 86 The Four Star General img
Chapter 87 Waiting For Caesar img
Chapter 88 Project Swallowtail img
Chapter 89 Blackmail img
Chapter 90 Whirlwind of Death img
Chapter 91 Blame Game img
Chapter 92 Damsel In Distress img
Chapter 93 Blackwell Brat img
Chapter 94 Carnage img
Chapter 95 Alexander Blackwell img
Chapter 96 The Masquerade img
Chapter 97 A Mountain of Gifts img
Chapter 98 A Mountain of Gifts 2 img
Chapter 99 Real or Fake img
Chapter 100 The Macintosh Plan img
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Chapter 10 Manipulation

“Victor… look at the bill,” Carol said with a troubled expression. “The organization she mentioned may have paid for the surgery fee, but there are other charges amounting to one million dollars!”

Little did she know that ‘the organization’ was simply a pseudonym for the gold-lined card Victor possessed. It was loaded with a billion dollars, replenished as soon as a withdrawal was made. The ancillary charges were filed by Sophia separately, perhaps because she needed an excuse to call him.

Victor did not reply to Carol but just nodded. His thoughts were elsewhere. Edgar was to be transferred to a private chamber, which would cost fifty thousand per day primarily because of his delicate condition. However, he could recover peacefully there, with private duty nurses attending him 24x7.

“How do you plan to pay the ancillary fees of the cardiac surgeon?” Carol asked. “Tell me.”

“I will talk it out with Dr. Baker,” he said coldly.

Talk it out? Carol’s heart sank. Why was Victor so casual about such an exorbitant fee? Were her suspicions justified? Was there really something between Sophia and Victor?

Even if her doubts were unfounded, Sophia had taken his number and would likely make personal calls. Would something romantic happen between the two?

Carol had observed that Sophia was aloof with other men. However, with Victor, she was almost submissive, as if he had thoroughly impressed her. As if it was her right to demand his attention.

Carol was not highly educated, but she knew how a woman’s mind worked. She could see the flame of desire in Sophia’s eyes. But why would a woman of her stature be attracted to Victor, who was middle-class? Indeed, it could not be only because of his good looks. Would she risk her social image for a fling? Or… Was there something special about Victor?

Carol dismissed her thoughts. Her husband was an ordinary guy suffering financial trouble. There was no way a successful woman like Sophia would like him. Her paranoia was getting the better of her. Regardless, she felt it was her marital right to be protective of her husband.

“Please don’t talk to Sophia Baker,” she whispered to Victor.

Victor looked up from his phone and was about to answer when he received a call.

It was Clive Baron. “Hello?”

“Sir, there’s some trouble brewing at your grandfather’s company. Please meet me outside.”

Victor disconnected the call and wondered what may have gone wrong back at the office. He had already figured out that James Colbert had been trying to sabotage his grandfather’s surgery. But was it possible he was the cause of the company’s trouble? There was only one way to find out.

He turned to his wife and put a reassuring hand over her shoulder. She did not flinch this time like she usually did. “Listen… I have some work at the factory. Please accompany Edgar to the private chamber and help him settle in. Don’t worry about the expenses. I have taken care of everything. I’ll see you again tonight.”

Carol nodded and leaned forward, expecting a kiss from her husband. But Victor turned away sharply and left, leaving her hanging.

She frowned, concerned about Victor’s financial crisis and more about his state of mind. Was his confidence coming from a state of denial?

As soon as Victor was gone, James approached Carol. “Hey, I heard the good news. I’m glad Edgar’s surgery was successful.”

Carol nodded absentmindedly.

“What is it? Why are you sad? Is it because of Victor?”

She nodded but did not elaborate.

“Look, Carol,” James began, “I’ll be honest. I tried to give him money through you, but his pride came in the way. My assumption is that he is too insecure. This is natural since his paltry income can neither provide for you nor support his grandfather. Such helplessness and desperation will wreck any man.”

Carol listened to James with increasing anxiety. What he said did make sense. Victor had been behaving oddly over the past day. It could be a mix of insecurity, vulnerability, and misery.

James stepped closer to her. “From what I can observe, your marriage is suffering. Victor will be out on the streets in a few days because of the exorbitant medical bills. He will have a mental breakdown, and you could get hurt in the crossfire. I will suggest you divorce him now to preserve yourself.”

Carol sobbed, saying, “I don’t know if I am ready to do that.”

James put a hand over her shoulder. “I don’t even want the six hundred thousand back, okay? Just come with me to tomorrow’s musical concert. I got us tickets.”

Carol nodded but turned away. “I will talk to you later, James. Thanks for trying to help. I am going to accompany Grandpa while he’s being transferred.”

James nodded. He figured it was not the right time to manipulate Carol and thus let her go. His other plans to bring about Victor Damone’s downfall were already underway.