*June 25,2019*
I sat in the witness box looking at the Judge with a cool face... Everyone was expecting me to look afraid, anxious and fearful but the truth was that I wasn't bothered
I didn't care... Everything was working according to my plans
In my absent state of mind, I heard the judge saying
"You Adebola Sandra popularly known as the black Angel has been found guilty of the following crimes
Sexual harassment,
Illegal drug activities
Bribery and corruption and finally the murder of her uncle Mr Tunde Adebola...And is therefore sentenced to death by hanging
COURT!!!! "
to everyone's surprise I burst into laughter, even the judge stared at me like I was mad
I kept on laughing for five minutes before I then said
"Ok... Ok.... Ok.. Agreed
I know I'm guilty but I'm not accepting my punishment "
Immediately all the police pointed their guns at me
Everyone knew I was a very dangerous lady... They knew what I was capable of doing
I laughed again and showed them my handcuffed hands...
"Come on,
Be realistic, There's nothing I can do with handcuffed hands... I'm a killer not a magician...but let me tell you a story
It might take a while because it's a long story
It's the story of my life
I was born like any other child
I was born into a happy home as the first and only child
I had everything I wanted
I was happy
But one day, the same day I celebrated my 10th year birthday, things went wrong for me
My world came crashing down
I had the same "Name"
Same "Face" but
Let me tell you my story,
The story of the "Black Angel "
But promise me... Promise me that you won't cry for Me.
*APRIL 24TH 2004*
"Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you.. Happy birthday... Happy Birthday...Happy Birthday to you"
And then I cut the cake and everyone shouted "Hurrah "
I was beaming with Joy...
My dad was a successful business man... He owned countless companies and was several shares with other company, he was the third richest man in my country...in short, my dad was wealthy
When it was the turn of uncle tunde whom I call uncle T,
I so much loved him,
He was handsome,kind,and playful
"Sorry baby, I ordered you something special but there was a delay in getting the delivery...it should be here this evening or tomorrow morning "
I was a bit sad "what's it uncle T"
He smiled and patted my cheeks "A secret "
I chuckled softly, Uncle T was found of touching my body which I loved, I didn't see anything bad in it, I didn't even tell my parents
In that moment, my dad's phone started ringing... He picked up the call and suddenly began to frown
I watched him whispering something into my mummy's Ear and my mom began to frown too,
Immediately, the party was cancelled and everyone had to go home,
But I noticed something strange, Uncle T was actually smiling....In childish mind, I wondered why everyone was frowning and my uncle was smiling...i later got to know why
After all the guests were gone, My daddy called me and hugged me tight
"Happy Birthday Sandry baby....
Sorry for disrupting your party, something came up at the company
Your mum and I have to go
It's like we've been hacked by some fraudsters
"okay daddy.... "I said
Mommy also hugged me and left with dad
It remained uncle T and I
Normally, we all live together... Uncle T has his own apartment left wing of the duplex
That night was the most unforgettable night of my life....