Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back
img img Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back img Chapter 7 Kenneth Was An Asshole
Chapter 9 Allow Me To Assist img
Chapter 10 Do You Still In The Mood To Continue img
Chapter 11 Giselle Tried To Commit Suicide img
Chapter 12 What Does That Make His Wife img
Chapter 13 Abandon Her At Any Time img
Chapter 14 The Missed Call img
Chapter 15 She Had No Choice img
Chapter 16 Pay A Visit To Giselle img
Chapter 17 Selena And Giselle Looked Close img
Chapter 18 Do You Know How Painful She Is img
Chapter 19 She Wanted A Divorce img
Chapter 20 Looks Good But Actually An Idiot img
Chapter 21 She Looks Good While Smiling img
Chapter 22 Slave Daughter-in-law img
Chapter 23 Don't Sully The Powell Family's Name img
Chapter 24 New Order img
Chapter 25 So Seductive img
Chapter 26 Desperado img
Chapter 27 It Would Be Best If She Bled To Death img
Chapter 28 At His Mercy img
Chapter 29 You'll Pay For This img
Chapter 30 Words Tougher Than Anything img
Chapter 31 It's Not Your Concern img
Chapter 32 My Hand Slipped img
Chapter 33 Do You Really Like Him That Much img
Chapter 34 Growing Stubbornness img
Chapter 35 Lecherous Men img
Chapter 36 Made A Fool img
Chapter 37 Secret Admirer img
Chapter 38 What Else Would I Want If Not Money img
Chapter 39 Don't Be So Shameless img
Chapter 40 Big Discovery img
Chapter 41 Lilly's Ordeal img
Chapter 42 Embezzlement Accusation img
Chapter 43 A Call For Help img
Chapter 44 The Capture img
Chapter 45 His Wife's Punch img
Chapter 46 So-called Bodyguard img
Chapter 47 Needing Nutrition img
Chapter 48 Failed Attempt img
Chapter 49 Male Gossips img
Chapter 50 Because You Are My Wife img
Chapter 51 You Can't Go img
Chapter 52 Get Me A Divorce Lawyer img
Chapter 53 Do You Love Her img
Chapter 54 Don't Have Hands img
Chapter 55 Don't Even Think About It img
Chapter 56 I Just Miss You Too Much img
Chapter 57 Don't Try To Manipulate Me img
Chapter 58 Are You Really A Woman img
Chapter 59 I Don't Mind Proving It To You img
Chapter 60 Don't Get Too Complacent img
Chapter 61 Perfectly Imperfect img
Chapter 62 Harsh Words img
Chapter 63 Annoying Man img
Chapter 64 Made Her Ugly img
Chapter 65 The Feeling Of Being Scolded img
Chapter 66 The Invisible Side-chick img
Chapter 67 Selena's Tweet img
Chapter 68 Online Battle img
Chapter 69 Desperate Seductress img
Chapter 70 Spice Things Up img
Chapter 71 Suspected Crush img
Chapter 72 You Might Get Gout img
Chapter 73 Beautiful Love Story img
Chapter 74 Whom Will He Choose This Time img
Chapter 75 The Lunatic img
Chapter 76 Get The Fuck Out img
Chapter 77 Doesn't He Care About His Wife img
Chapter 78 Violent Fight img
Chapter 79 Kenneth's Threat img
Chapter 80 The Mother Was Really Something img
Chapter 81 Either Die Or Divorce img
Chapter 82 Take It According To My Terms img
Chapter 83 Fighting Back img
Chapter 84 Some People Have Affairs Before Divorce img
Chapter 85 Sullen Divorcee img
Chapter 86 But He Wanted To Go There img
Chapter 87 Get That Old Man Out Of Here img
Chapter 88 Witnessed History img
Chapter 89 She Has Really Changed img
Chapter 90 A Drunken Man img
Chapter 91 Someone Was Killed img
Chapter 92 It Might Appear You're Quite Taken With Him img
Chapter 93 He Shouldn't Have Said That img
Chapter 94 A Perfect Match img
Chapter 95 I Trust You img
Chapter 96 Introduce A New Man To You img
Chapter 97 So Humanoid img
Chapter 98 Bad Luck img
Chapter 99 Spoiled His Plan img
Chapter 100 When Will The Divorce Be Announced img
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Chapter 7 Kenneth Was An Asshole

Those who already held a grudge against Selena seemed to regard her with even more disdain now.

Given the prevailing situation, it appeared inevitable that Giselle would soon replace Selena as the CEO's wife.

Selena's opinion of Kenneth had soured considerably. He had publicly humiliated her to shield his mistress, utterly disregarding her dignity and seemingly without justification.

The so-called "indiscretions" about Selena were hardly even scandalous. Just a few days prior at a gala, she had stumbled, only to be caught by a well-known young celebrity. She had merely smiled and expressed her gratitude. Nothing more; nothing less. The media, always seeking sensationalism, had blown the incident out of proportion, crafting stories about her and that young male star.

The situation had been cleared up in a matter of hours, yet it seemed Kenneth just wouldn't let it go.

Did he truly believe the scandal? Even it was true, he was such an asshole that he didn't even had the right to judge her in the first place!

But Selena couldn't confront him; he had leverage over her.

Inhaling deeply to calm herself, she suppressed her rising anger.

Bending down, she collected the scattered papers and, in a defiant move, handed them to Giselle. With a hint of arrogance, she remarked, "Once you're done with your business, get him to sign it. After all, you must be useful for him to keep you around."

Giselle's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger, yet she managed to maintain her composure.

Holding back tears, Giselle replied, "Please don't misjudge Ken and me, Miss Owen. Our feelings for each other are genuine."

Selena brushed past Giselle, heading straight to her office.

As she walked away, Kenneth's expression grew even grimmer.

"What's the matter, Ken?" Giselle inquired gently, noting his distress.

Kenneth shifted his gaze and gently released her. "I'll call Ian to take you to get checked."

"But it's lunchtime and you haven't eaten. You shouldn't skip meals, especially with your stomach issues," Giselle replied.

Kenneth's expression grew tender, though his appetite for lunch had waned. "Let's get you to the hospital first," he suggested gently. "Afterward, we can grab something to eat."

"Alright," Giselle replied.

As she clung to Kenneth's arm, they headed toward the elevator. Internally, Giselle made a silent vow; one day, she would ensure that Selena was ousted from both the company and Kenneth's life.

Drained, Selena had dozed off on the office sofa all afternoon.

She didn't get the chance to eat lunch, even though Jayla brought her some at the office.

By the time she stirred, dusk had enveloped the city. Troubling visions had haunted her sleep: images of her parents plunging from a building, leaving her gasping for air.

Upon walking out of her office, she found the company deserted.

Selena left work and drove through the city streets without a destination in mind, reluctant to return home. The familiar sign of the Empirrel Bar caught her eye, prompting her to pull over.

The locals of Friesey enjoyed their leisure, and they usually gathered at bars and clubs after their work.

They didn't really do it for the alcohol but for the fleeting moments of reprieve from the pressures of life. With a drink in hand, surrounded by friends, they'd chat the night away beneath a starry canopy.

Selena once relished such evenings. However, since the fall of the Owen family and her new title as Mrs. Powell, these outings had become a distant memory, replaced by other obligations.

But tonight, her entrance into the bar had a different feel.

Perched on a barstool, she ordered a drink and exchanged some pleasantries with the bartender. But the moment was interrupted by her phone's chime.

Glancing down, she discovered a text from an unfamiliar number.

What she saw on the message had left her stunned.

The photo showcased a dashing man and an elegant woman, deeply engrossed in conversation at an upscale restaurant. There was no mistaking it. It was Kenneth and Giselle in the photo.

She didn't need to think twice about the sender's identity. How predictable!

With a mix of amusement and disdain, Selena cast her phone aside, opting to drown her annoyance with a swig of her drink.

The potency of the alcohol caught her off-guard, leading to a sudden fit of coughing. A hand reached out, patting her back, accompanied by a soft voice that said, "A drink like that should be sipped slowly."