Chapter 6 6 img
Chapter 7 7 img
Chapter 8 8 img
Chapter 9 9 img
Chapter 10 10 img
Chapter 11 11 img
Chapter 12 12 img
Chapter 13 13 img
Chapter 14 14 img
Chapter 15 15 img
Chapter 16 16 img
Chapter 17 17 img
Chapter 18 18 img
Chapter 19 19 img
Chapter 20 20 img
Chapter 21 21 img
Chapter 22 22 img
Chapter 23 23 img
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Chapter 25 25 img
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Chapter 3 3

I stilled when I heard the name, DON RODERIGO DE ALVA, I knew I had heard that name from somewhere. The name brought back memories I had tried so hard to forget.

A very dangerous man who hides under the guise of being a philanthropist.

I felt a frission of alarm ring in my head, not only because of his name which brought back past memories, but because of the fact that I would be staying with him under the same roof.

It was to do with the man himself, he is inherently dangerous, when Miss Ellie had inhaled sharply before calling his name, I knew that by instinct, that he must be a very dangerous man, even in that brief moment.

I pointed out and reasoned that there was only one reason why she must have still been stuck with him, either Miss Ellie's father owes Don Roderigo a very huge amount of money or he tried intercepting Roderigo's shipments and was caught.

It was either Mr Santiago, the father of Miss Ellie pays with his life or the life of a very loved one of his. So the selfish, greedy and callous Mr Santiago readily gives out his daughter, Miss Ellie to the cold-hearted Don Roderigo.

Now she knows why Miss Ellie feels stuck in the marriage, what was worse at that is the fact that she's just eighteen.

The Spaniards!!, very ruthless set of people, who don't even value the girl child, moreso the Mafias. The Alvas are the most dangerous and well known Mafias in the whole of Spain.

She was sure of one thing, that the discussion she had with Miss Ellie would definitely get to Roderigo, so the earlier for her to bring the discussion to an abrupt stop, the better for her.

"Nice name, Miss Ellie, we would talk more when I come over", I said to her and immediately ended the call.

My hands shook when I brought the phone down from my ear.

I brought my hands to my flat stomach as I palmed it. I hated him, I still hate him.

No matter how he thought he must have helped me, I hate him so much and I swore within myself that I won't let him go through this marriage.

I would make sure I cause a scandal for him, one that would bring discomfort to him, for the rest of his life.

I checked my phone to know what time it is, Perez had earlier told me he would be coming for the photo shoot today, although I had earlier blatantly warned him that I don't work on Sundays, but the Photographer is just too stubborn.

The photoshoot was scheduled to hold by 4pm, and it was already 3:23pm, I made a mental not to myself to better go upstairs and prepare for the photo shoot.

This is the sixth time my picture would be used as both front and back cover for Vogue Magazine, a very well known entertainment industry.

The first time they had requested for me to be the cover for their magazine, I was awed, speechless, dumbfounded, words can not express how I felt, but after featuring in their magazine for like three times, it became a normal expectation and routine for me, No Cap about that.

I tied the rope of my robe which was undone by me and headed back into the house to prepare for the photo shoot.


"Thanks for sharing this beautiful pictures of yours once again, we are so privileged having you in both the front and back cover of the Vogue Magazine, I hope this partnership would last really long", Perez, the photographer said.

Over the few years I had worked with him, those were his key words and pick up line, so whenever he wants to start his speech, I end up completing the lines for him.

I won't bite about much, but he's one boring dude, I got to know about, he's got the hots for girls, but I never for once imagined having something intimate with him prior to the business relationship we had.

He's handsome, but.... when it comes to approaching a lady, he messes up big time with his faltering voice and words.

I reached over and gave him a handshake, because I know he won't ever accept a hug, a very shy one also at that.

After little talks and thanks you for the business deal drinks, I finally went over to slam my door shut.

I was hungry as fuck and just could not wait for Monday to reach, so I could see someone who would do the cooking. I was damn tired of everything.

While still in deep thoughts, I remembered my client's yet to be husband.

He is not good at all for her, I swore that even if it meant disrupting the marriage on their wedding day, I would do that without giving it a second thought or being remorseful about my plans.

I quickly turned on my phone to call my driver, since I had given him a place to stay as long as he keeps working for me.

I wanted him to order food for me, I would have gone but ever since the incident that happened last eight years, the thought of riding a car makes me sick, riding a car has grown in me like a phobia.


It was late at night and I was bored as fuck, very tired and aslo angry at myself. Yes, I was angry for not making a thorough background check on my client, I always made sure I did that in the case of my former clients, but I really did not know what had pushed me off from not attempting a thorough background check on Miss Ellie.

If I had done so, I really would not be thinking how I would be living and dining with the Devil Himself under the same roof.

He had taken a part of my life, I wished what he had done, was done by me, all I ever wished he took it off my hands, I really can't exaggerate how much I hate him, and how I would stab and slash him to pieces if I was to be given a chance, I would readily accept it and do it over and over again.

My heart thumped loudly in my chest when my alarm rang, which signified that it was already 12am of a new day, which is Monday. I began a count down, which left me with only a day more for me to head back to Spain.

After the hurting and past memories which I went through in Spain, I decided to move to Trinidad, not only to forget about the past, but to heal from the aches in my heart and to start up a new life.

I smiled seeing where my optimistic nature had pushed me too, so deep in thoughts that I didn't know when I slept off.