Daddy don't hurt me
img img Daddy don't hurt me img Chapter 3 3 Blood Rock
Chapter 6 6 Princess for a day img
Chapter 7 7 Stanley's problem img
Chapter 8 8 Not allowed img
Chapter 9 9 Using Abe img
Chapter 10 10 What did he do img
Chapter 11 11 Things we do for love img
Chapter 12 12 The new person img
Chapter 13 13 They have no idea img
Chapter 14 14 Night to remember img
Chapter 15 15 Please, make me forget img
Chapter 16 16 Caught img
Chapter 17 17 What about Stanley img
Chapter 18 18 More questions img
Chapter 19 19 Teaming up img
Chapter 20 20 Night of the plan img
Chapter 21 21 Somehow family img
Chapter 22 22 Bad cops img
Chapter 23 23 Little drummer boy img
Chapter 24 24 The phone call img
Chapter 25 25 Who the hell are these people img
Chapter 26 26 Father father img
Chapter 27 27 Fresh air img
Chapter 28 28 Talking behind your back img
Chapter 29 29 Resemblance img
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Chapter 3 3 Blood Rock


It was hot in the dressing room. Too hot. The owner of this club must be ashamed of the lack of air-condition in here. How could a normal person even breath in this hell hole? Only five more minutes before it was our time for our performance. I grab my beer and take a long sip. The others were sweating too.

'I can't take it much longer.' said Stanley, one of the electric guitarists and also my best friend. We formed a band together twenty years ago. Blood Rock was our life.

'It's too hot in here.' said Ian. Three years ago, we found Ian as our new drummer. The other drummer died during a mysterious accident. May he rest in peace.

'Why are we doing this again? Oh right, because we fucking killed two people!' Dexter said. He didn't even lower his voice.

'Can you shut up already?' I ask him. 'We were all there. She made us. We had no choice. If she hadn't called us out...'

'I know.' Dexter said. He took another sip of his beer. It was not like we killed people on a daily basis. It happened before. Maybe even more than we would want, but sometimes you don't have a choice. 'What about the girl? Why did we take her?'

'Because she is my daughter.' I push myself of the fucking chair. 'She may be my child, but she is our pet. She will come with us wherever we go, she will do whatever we want her to do. Don't think I will treat her any different than the other girls we have taken in the past.' I never wanted children. I hate children. I only found out recently Nova was my daughter. Her birthday party was big announced in the newspapers, social media and at the place we played two weeks ago. The girl that was smiling next to her parents and younger sister in every picture, didn't look one bit like her father. She looked a lot like her mother and... And me. The black hair, her big brown eyes, sharp cheekbones. Next to her was her mother, the woman that left our band 19 years ago very sudden to marry a millionaire. She left us to be with him. After all we had been through, she left and broke my heart. I could never love a woman again after she broke my heart. I only saw them as slaves. I need woman to cook, to clean and to fuck. Nothing more. We have taken women with us on tour, not all willingly, but we didn't care. We only had a few rules:

1 Never fall in love

2 Never fuck a minor

3 Never make a woman pregnant

I failed. I broke rule three nineteen years ago. I got Emma pregnant. The girl from a rich family that secretly started a band with us. She was our lead singer for over a year and then she left. Now I know why. She told us her parents found out she was pregnant and forced her to marry Julian Hawk. He was a millionaire and he agreed to marry her. Who can blame him, Emma was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. Now she is dead and I don't feel guilty. I feel relieved. My heart can heal now.

The door opens. 'You guys ready to rock?' a young boy asked.

He didn't have to ask twice. We were born to rock.

The night was amazing. The public sang all our songs. The atmosphere in the room felt like home. We were home, this was the place it all started twenty years ago. We partied way too hard tonight. We needed it. Afterwards we went to the dressing room, took our stuff and went back to our camper.

'Can someone help me carry this asshole?' Henry asked. He was currently carrying a very drunk Dexter. Nick wasn't in a much better state. Why did they drink this much tonight? Where did Stanley go to? I hadn't seen him since we went off stage. We partied with some woman. Sluts.

'Ian take Nick, I will help Henry with Dexter.' I grab Dexter's arm and sling it over my shoulder. With the help of Henry, we got him to the camper and dumped him on his bunk bed. I took off his shoes. Suddenly I hear some screaming at the other end of the camper. Not really shouting, but noises. I totally forgot for a second Nova was here.

Dexter went to sleep. Nick passed out as soon he laid down. Only Henry, Ian and I were awake at this moment.

'I could use a fuck.' Henry says.

'I could use a shower.' Ian said. He turned around and walked away.

'What about you?' Henry asked me.

'I will go first. I will warm her up for you.' I wink at him, while I untie my belt. It was a strange long day today.

With every step I take, I can hear her whimper louder and louder.

'Ssssh, daddy is home.' I let my pants fall on the floor, followed by my underpants. Seeing her trembling in fear, made me even harder than I already was. She looks so delicious, my beautiful naked daughter laying allready for me to take. Yes, we undressed her fully and tied her up again. Nova laid on her side. I slowly lay myself behind her and wrap my arms around her. I pull her closer to me. 'Don't be afraid baby girl. Daddy is tired. Daddy will take it slow this time.' With my finger I wipe her long black hair to the front. She is trembling and shaking in fear. I know she is afraid of me. Good. I don't want her to love me. She will not be here for long. I get ready to enter her tight pussy, by pressing the tip of my length in her opening. I pull out once again. Then I slowly enter until I fill her warm cunt fully. Nova was screaming with the cloth in her mouth. I take it slow this time. The trust I make are soft and slow. I'm too tired to fuck her hard. My hand on her hip squeezes her flesh. She stops whimpering, she fucking froze again. She still has to learn a lot. She will learn in time to please us. In time she will be a whore like her mother.


When I woke, I was alone. I was actually glad they were away. The noises outside the camper told me there was a party going on. Rock music, people singing, electric guitars, people talking outside the camper, I could hear it all. If only I could yell for help. I couldn't do a thing. I was tied up, my hands on my back, laying on my side, gagged and blindfolded. I never thought my life would turn around this way. I didn't even finish high school yet. Two months left for graduation. Now my mom and dad were dead and I was kidnapped by my biological father.

When I heard the men coming back, I started to whimper and scream in fear. I tried to yell to untie me, to let me go, but no words were coming out. I could hear them talk. Then the shower was turned on.

'Ssssh, daddy is home.' I tremble in fear. It's him. Brad. My father. He climbs on the bed and lays behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. 'Don't be afraid baby girl. Daddy is tired. Daddy will take it slow this time.'

Why is he doing this to me? No normal father would fuck his own daughter. I could feel the tip of his penis enter my cunt. He slowly enters this time. He starts to fuck me slowly. It still hurts, but the pain fades away. I could even feel something inside of me wanting more of this. It felt good. No! I don't want this. When his hand squeezed my hip, I froze. I really don't like where this is going. Then I do something unexpected. I moan. Tears are running down my face. How could my body react this way? Why would I moan? It's not that I want to be fucked by my father. His trusts are getting faster, even deeper. His finger trails between my legs, caressing a spot that made my insides turn to life. I can't help but moan. I even spread my legs wider for him. What is going on with me? My body reacts like it had never done before. The feeling inside is growing.

'Come for me baby.' still rubbing my clit, my father drives me to an orgasm. I scream in ecstasy. Never before I felt so delightful and ashamed at the same time. I came. I came on my father's cock. Only moments later he filled me with his cum. He pulls out and leaves the bed, leaving me behind, crying, dirty and naked on the bed.

'You're done?' someone asked.

'She is all yours. I'm going to shower.' Brad said to an unknown person.

'Hey, don't cry girl. The sooner you will learn to please us, the sooner you will be free.' the man climbs behind me and it starts all over again. Fucked by another man, like a whore.