Enchanting Royalty
img img Enchanting Royalty img Chapter 1 Prologue
Chapter 9 The Meeting img
Chapter 10 Running Away img
Chapter 11 Suspicious img
Chapter 12 Meeting The Prisoner img
Chapter 13 Betrayed img
Chapter 14 The Truth img
Chapter 15 Caught img
Chapter 16 Busted img
Chapter 17 Saved img
Chapter 18 The Fight img
Chapter 19 Helpless img
Chapter 20 Only Family img
Chapter 21 Mate's Touch img
Chapter 22 Emotional Wreck img
Chapter 23 Ecstasy img
Chapter 24 Dirty Thoughts img
Chapter 25 The Punishment img
Chapter 26 Hard To Get img
Chapter 27 Excited Fire img
Chapter 28 Lost Control img
Chapter 29 Bliss img
Chapter 30 So Sweet img
Chapter 31 Reality img
Chapter 32 Blown Away img
Chapter 33 Lies img
Chapter 34 Guilty img
Chapter 35 Christian Junior img
Chapter 36 The Trip img
Chapter 37 Surprise img
Chapter 38 Birthday img
Chapter 39 The Gift img
Chapter 40 Can't Keep My Hands To Myself img
Chapter 41 Hurts So Good img
Chapter 42 Desire img
Chapter 43 Discovering The True Self img
Chapter 44 Mind Link img
Chapter 45 Getting Somewhere img
Chapter 46 Shift img
Chapter 47 Always There For You img
Chapter 48 Conspiricies img
Chapter 49 The Chase img
Chapter 50 Attacked img
Chapter 51 Teach Me img
Chapter 52 Interrupted img
Chapter 53 The Unknown img
Chapter 54 Feral img
Chapter 55 Calming The Beast img
Chapter 56 You Have Me img
Chapter 57 Kidnapped img
Chapter 58 Breaking Free img
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Enchanting Royalty

Sam Shelly
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Author's POV

In the moonlit shadows of the enemy's territory, she waited patiently, crouched low behind a dense thicket of bushes, as she observed her target. Slow and steady wins the race. She moved stealthily, making sure not to let a sound slip. Taking in breath in short puffs, she positioned her arm to make her move. This was yet another chance to prove to her dad that she would never let him down.

Her sleek, black attire blended seamlessly with the night, making her almost invisible to the naked eye. She had a singular, vital objective: capture the she-wolf sauntering at a distance from her.

The chilling howl of the wind was drowned out by the distant growls of the creature she sought to subdue. As her keen eyes narrowed on her quarry, she inhaled slowly, steadying her racing heart. Every muscle in her lithe frame coiled with anticipation.

Mia's gloved fingers tightened around the hilt of her specialized tranquilizer dart gun, an instrument of silent precision. It was her only chance to incapacitate the formidable foe without arousing the suspicion of the sentries patrolling nearby.

With unwavering focus, she calibrated her aim, honing in on the beast's vital points. One shot, one opportunity to subdue her quarry without detection. The stakes were higher than ever; failure was not an option.

As the moon cast an eerie glow upon the battlefield, Mia's determination burned brighter. With a deft, silent breath, she squeezed the trigger, sending the glazed silver dart hurtling toward its target. Her heart pounded as she watched it strike true, and the creature stumbled, its movements slowing as the tranquilizer took effect.

Mia didn't waste a moment. With the grace of a true master, she emerged from the shadows, swiftly and silently approaching the fallen creature. Her mission was clear: to make the formidable foe unconscious, all the while ensuring she remained an enigma in the heart of enemy territory. Her reputation as an extraordinary assassin rested on this delicate dance between shadows and skill.

Huh, freaking werewolves, known to be the strongest yet can't take a little bit of silver, she mocked in her mind, looking at the unconscious figure. Dad would be very happy today, she thought, giving a smirk. The revenge was on. They need to get a taste of their own medicine. For years, werewolves have been after them. Killing their species for no reason. Although Mia lacked certain powers her species had, it didn't make her any less than them, as, after all, she was her father's daughter. She was proud and forever will be.

She looked at the glowing star inked on her wrist. Immediately, she felt the pinning ache occur for a while before it subsided. That always happened; whenever the mark glowed, she would briefly feel a jolt of pain strike her before the tattoo would deepen its roots in her skin. But she was proud of that mark. Because it was a sign of recognition and belonging to her kind, like her father told her.

The Shadow Weavers

Masters of witchcraft and wizardry. She was proud to be a part of such a powerful family. But there was only one thing that broke her heart. She wasn't born with the special ability to cast magic. In the early years of her life, she was frustrated and angered about not being like everyone else. But then her father helped her and told her that she was different from everyone else, and that's what made her more powerful. He taught her everything and trained her to the best of her abilities.

There was a sacred book of Shadow Weavers that had always ignited her interest. She could learn a lot of spells and magic from there, but her father would never let her keep the book, as he explained it was dangerous and could be misused if lost. So she let the matter slip, but she vowed that one day she would prove herself worthy of handling it. Protecting it.

In order to overcome her weakness, she trained hard. She would invest day and night to be able to take down anyone when needed, with or without magic. And as nights passed, she became the best assassin out there, the greatest asset to her father.

Now it was finally time to pay her father back for all the efforts he had put into her. To get revenge on werewolves who had been after her father's army for ages. The Royal Red Moon pack. It was finally time for them to pay for all the people they had killed.