Farewell, My Reckless Love
img img Farewell, My Reckless Love img Chapter 4 The Encounter
Chapter 7 Blaine's Fiancee img
Chapter 8 A Shocking Revelation img
Chapter 9 Hostile Adele img
Chapter 10 Lara's Challenge img
Chapter 11 Ethan's Intervention img
Chapter 12 The Annoying Caller img
Chapter 13 The Accusations img
Chapter 14 The Invitation img
Chapter 15 The Altercation img
Chapter 16 His Defense img
Chapter 17 Handsome Profile img
Chapter 18 Love Confession img
Chapter 19 The Reward img
Chapter 20 The Trust img
Chapter 21 Jeffrey's Invitation img
Chapter 22 Two-faced Cathie img
Chapter 23 Lingering Thorn img
Chapter 24 A Game img
Chapter 25 The Senior img
Chapter 26 A Real Catch img
Chapter 27 Secret Learning img
Chapter 28 Clive's Visit img
Chapter 29 The Hkind Project img
Chapter 30 The Usual Spot img
Chapter 31 Despicable Blaine img
Chapter 32 Alarming News img
Chapter 33 The Clarification img
Chapter 34 Food Company Crisis img
Chapter 35 Chicken Broth img
Chapter 36 The Umbrella img
Chapter 37 Relentless Downpour img
Chapter 38 Attempted Setup img
Chapter 39 The Accusations img
Chapter 40 The Separate Sleeping Arrangement img
Chapter 41 Frivolous Woman img
Chapter 42 The Surprising Revelation img
Chapter 43 The Take-out img
Chapter 44 The Breathtaking Smile img
Chapter 45 The Satisfying Answer img
Chapter 46 The Jealousy img
Chapter 47 The Major Obstacle img
Chapter 48 The Blunt Inquiry img
Chapter 49 The Messages img
Chapter 50 The Breakup Drama img
Chapter 51 Matchmaker Gillian img
Chapter 52 The Dance Performance img
Chapter 53 The Toast img
Chapter 54 The Penance img
Chapter 55 Ideal Partner img
Chapter 56 The Dinner Invitation img
Chapter 57 The Restaurant img
Chapter 58 The Patient Explanation img
Chapter 59 The Nagging Question img
Chapter 60 The Video Call img
Chapter 61 Glitz And Glam img
Chapter 62 The Opening Dance img
Chapter 63 Clive's Question img
Chapter 64 The Insincere Compliment img
Chapter 65 The Scheme img
Chapter 66 The Unexpected Dive img
Chapter 67 Anxious Gilda img
Chapter 68 Veiled Threats img
Chapter 69 The Brewing Confrontation img
Chapter 70 The Proof img
Chapter 71 Anson's Offer img
Chapter 72 The Masterminds img
Chapter 73 Unwavering Preference img
Chapter 74 His Constant Presence img
Chapter 75 The Unwelcome Visitors img
Chapter 76 Independent Verena img
Chapter 77 The Plea img
Chapter 78 The Flirty Exchange img
Chapter 79 Settlement img
Chapter 80 Her Thanks img
Chapter 81 The Worst Nightmare img
Chapter 82 Creepy Julius img
Chapter 83 The Fever img
Chapter 84 The Cold Shoulder img
Chapter 85 Julius' Threat img
Chapter 86 Harmless Flirtation img
Chapter 87 Hands-on Guidance img
Chapter 88 The King's Game img
Chapter 89 A Public Humiliation img
Chapter 90 Resigned Confirmation img
Chapter 91 The Earnest Gratitude img
Chapter 92 The Courteous Bow img
Chapter 93 Shameless Blaine img
Chapter 94 Manipulation And Control img
Chapter 95 The Note img
Chapter 96 The Unexpected Presence img
Chapter 97 Revenge img
Chapter 98 The Plans img
Chapter 99 The Motivations img
Chapter 100 Favorite Ice Cream img
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Chapter 4 The Encounter

The moment Jeffrey stepped into the house, he enveloped Verena from behind, pressing a kiss onto her neck.

Verena resisted the unwelcome sensation, but the necessity of spending the night with Jeffrey, avoiding a dubious game involving Blaine, swayed her decision in favor of preserving Oasis Group.

As Jeffrey's hand ventured further, Verena's body quivered, yet a semblance of reason compelled her to speak.

"Mr. Yates, have you agreed to grant the loan?"

In response, Jeffrey withdrew his hand, refastening the buttons he had undone for her.

"Are you attempting to seduce me solely for the loan?"

Verena sensed the desire in his dark eyes diminishing rapidly.

A wave of embarrassment washed over her, and she averted her gaze, choosing silence because the truth lay in Jeffrey's question.

"Ms. Wheeler, don't flatter yourself too much!" Jeffrey teased, his gaze fixed on her disdainfully.

He acknowledged her beauty, aligning with his aesthetic preferences. The anticipation of intimacy with her lingered in his thoughts.

Yet, this desire fell far short of compelling him to alter his course and confront Blaine beforehand.

"I don't hold myself in high regard, but could you please assist me? Once we secure the loan, everything will be in order," Verena implored, her tone marked by humility.

However, Jeffrey responded with a cold smile.

"If I were to hand out money to anyone who spends a night with me, we would become a charitable institution," he asserted.

Before she could say anything more, Jeffrey continued, "Women should have self-respect. What distinguishes your actions from those of a prostitute?"

With those words, he departed, leaving Verena behind.

Verena stared at the empty house, realizing her attempt to leverage Jeffrey against Blaine had failed.

In the subsequent days, Jeffrey remained elusive, and Verena found herself navigating a whirlwind of parties, tirelessly seeking loans.

The hectic pace nearly made her forget the near-intimate encounter with Jeffrey.

One day, in pursuit of financial support, she arranged to have dinner with Isaac Gill, a connection from her father's network.

Unintentionally, the dinner turned into a drinking spree orchestrated by Isaac.

In a befuddled state, Verena sought refuge in the bathroom. To her surprise, in the corridor, she stumbled upon Jeffrey, surrounded by a cohort of elites and magnates.

Clad in a meticulously tailored black suit, Jeffrey exuded an air of cool arrogance, reveling in the adulation of older executives. His noble birth set him apart from the rest.

Jeffrey merely cast a passing glance at Verena, offering no greeting. They appeared as strangers.

Understanding his reluctance to engage with her, Verena averted her gaze and retreated into the bathroom.

Unbeknownst to her, as she disappeared from view, Jeffrey's deep eyes remained fixed on her retreating figure.

Casually inquiring about the state of the Oasis Group, Jeffrey effortlessly gleaned information from those around him.

"I heard the Oasis Group is on the brink, facing a tight funding chain, and the shareholders are pushing for a drastic sell-off."

"Frankly, it might be wise to sell Oasis now. Look at the other members of the Wheeler family. They've cut their losses. I can't fathom why Verena, the illegitimate daughter, is still hanging on."

"Isn't she Mrs. Wheeler's daughter?" Jeffrey frowned.

"No, it's rumored that the late Mr. Wheeler brought her home from outside. There was a major dispute between Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler at that time. Mrs. Wheeler reluctantly agreed to raise the girl at home," the informant explained.

"Perhaps she remembers that history. Even as the Wheeler family scattered, she's still insisting on supporting Oasis."

Jeffrey absorbed the conversations with his inscrutable dark eyes.

Meanwhile, Verena, after enduring a bout of vomiting, composed herself and prepared to return to Isaac.

She encountered Jeffrey in the corridor, where he was leisurely smoking.

In the muted glow, Jeffrey's features appeared as flawless and alluring as the craftsmanship of a master.

The smoke he exhaled enshrouded him, and his eyes, reminiscent of that night filled with obsession, became slightly blurred.

Due to Verena's previous encounter, she hesitated to place hope in a man who had departed before their intimacy. Offering him a slight nod in greeting, she intended to walk past him and enter the room.

However, at that moment, his magnetic voice cut through the air. "You know that man won't lend you any money, so continuing to drink is futile. Why are you so obstinate?"

Jeffrey's words left Verena momentarily stunned. Turning around, she saw Jeffrey still smoking, reluctant to pin her hopes on him once more.

"Oasis was founded by my father. It's like his child. It's the legacy he left in the world. I can't bear to watch it crumble. Even if there's the slightest chance, I'll do my utmost to save it," Verena explained.

With a respectful nod, she expressed her gratitude. "Thank you for your concern, Mr. Yates."

Turning to enter the room, she was taken aback when Jeffrey extinguished his cigarette and pressed her against the wall.

His heated breath fell upon her face in an assertive manner. "Ms. Wheeler, what will you do if I help you?" he inquired, his eyes intense.