Zion Black
img img Zion Black img Chapter 2 Harshness of life
Chapter 6 Afraid img
Chapter 7 Beauty; a curse img
Chapter 8 Encounter img
Chapter 9 Devil in disguise img
Chapter 10 I want to protect you img
Chapter 11 In the pit of thoughts img
Chapter 12 To be loved, to be cherished. img
Chapter 13 This is delusion. img
Chapter 14 Unable to understand him. img
Chapter 15 Became a wife and homeless img
Chapter 16 Her new life img
Chapter 17 His new target img
Chapter 18 Bitch img
Chapter 19 Human or a show piece img
Chapter 20 He is a disaster img
Chapter 21 Challenging him. img
Chapter 22 Homework; know about life img
Chapter 23 Loyalty img
Chapter 24 Trust issues img
Chapter 25 Pain in her eyes. img
Chapter 26 I love him. img
Chapter 27 Her fears. img
Chapter 28 Finally in Manchester. img
Chapter 29 Change of heart. img
Chapter 30 Foggy life. img
Chapter 31 Tied together img
Chapter 32 She is unique. img
Chapter 33 Against the will. img
Chapter 34 Little affection. img
Chapter 35 War between them. img
Chapter 36 Mixed feelings. img
Chapter 37 Broken into million of pieces. img
Chapter 38 Giving up. img
Chapter 39 Never ending pain. img
Chapter 40 Soft corner. img
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Chapter 2 Harshness of life

~There lies a story behind every emotion. ~

Hannah woke up as usual at the dawn. That is her everyday practice. She doesn't have the opportunity to rest over 4 hours. First she gets up, go for a part time job at a 24 hours eatery and wash dishes of the entire day. This make her tired even before starting the day. Her muscles are always sore and most of her body is covered with pain patched.

After finishing her work at the restaurant, Hannah returns home, make breakfast for her own self if there is some time left for school. Else, she goes with an empty stomach. Her mom is likewise bustling, working around at day and night. Considering these factors and her health, she doesn't trouble her and deal with herself. Hannah would go to class and return at 4. She would go to a cafe as a part timer in the evening and get back home late around at night. The night would pass by studying and there would scarcely any time left to rest.

She took care of her work as a delivery girl and returned home. She understood her mom haven't returned at this point. Usually, she is home before her returning from the morning shift. Above all, the villain of her story was additionally conscious. Hannah's little brother went to the school as of now.

With pounding heart, she kept away from his look and went directly to her room. She needed to rush and change into her uniform and hurry to class. In the nervousness and pressure she went to the washroom and following 5 minutes when she came out with her hair brushed in a ponytail and spruced up in a uniform her eyes went wide with the stun.

Fuck!!! She didn't lock the door in rush.

"Is there anything you need?" she asked while hiding the shaky voice and tried appear normal and calm.

"Yes of course". He said while raising the left eyebrow.

She wanted to pluck his eyes from the sockets.

Hannah cleared her throat to speak and she attempted to evade this devil. However, he held her wrist hard. Because of the tight grip, her wrist was getting numb and she gasped hard with pain, "What-what are you doing?" She was trying to separate herself from him yet he is a monster in the garments of wolf.

Her resistance was igniting a fire in him. Daniel pushed her on the wall and placed his dirty lips on her neck. She cried hard and with her little clench hands she punched him however they were more similar to a cotton punches against his hard chest.

"Please.... please le-ave me". She begged him however he turned a blind eye at her.

At the moment, the door of the room slammed open with a boisterous crash and Anna (her mom) went into in the room. "YOU BASTARD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I WILL KILL YOU TODAY". She yelled on the highest point of her lungs and fisted his hair. "Leave me you crazy wench". He made a decent attempt to move away however he is thinking little of the strength of the mother.

"What did you say? Wench." Anna was already on the point of killing this bastard and his words made her more furious. She is a black belter in judo and the kick which landed on his ribs would have brought about the break. She made him unable to move for quite a while.

He began to curse at the mother and daughter duo. "You..." Anna pointed at the crying and terrified young girl, "Why the hell are you crying? Go to school. Today I will rip apart all of his body part with which he tried to touch you". Her voice was getting harsh and filled with wrath.

Hannah truly got strength from her words. Her mom is the awesome. She got her back. Hannah grabbed and bag and cleaned her tears with the rear of hand and ran towards the bus station. She was not in the right mind to go to the school however in such cases a distraction is the most ideal choice.

Hannah got on the bus and when she searched her bag to scan the transportation card...


It wasn't there. She got flustered. The driver looked at her suspiciously. "Can I pay with the bills?" She asked and the driver nodded.

She gave out a sigh of relief and paid. There was no empty seat so she stood up and the money she paid was all that she had. She has not eaten anything in the morning and of course there was no way that she can eat lunch too.

It is a bad day..... totally a bad day.

Hannah went to school with an empty stomach and an empty pocket. Her mind was still stuck with the incident that happened in the morning. It is a relief that her mother got know about it. She will definitely help her in getting out of this messy situation. She could not concentrate on the class and the day went by. She went to the part time job and ate some leftover cakes and then at night she preferred going to the library.

Hannah has no friend. She felt so left out. "I will study hard and get out of that hell. I will not let anything affect me". She made a strong resolution.

Meanwhile, she does not know what her mother and her friend who is miles away from them are conspiring. Hannah went to school with an empty stomach and an empty pocket. Her mind was still stuck with the incident that happened in the morning. It is a relief that her mother got know about it. She will definitely help her in getting out of this messy situation. She could not concentrate on the class and the day went by. She went to the part time job and ate some leftover cakes and then at night she preferred going to the library.



"Zion..." The mother Angela shouted at the son who was in no mood to wake up even at 2pm. "Zion this is my last warning or I am seriously going to throw you out today". She scolded him while banging loudly on the door of his bedroom because he locked it from inside and the keys were with him too.

The way was to break it open or to wait for the narcissistic prince to wake up.

Zion threw the pillow at the door in frustration. "I am coming... for God sake stop knocking on the door". He shouted in rage. Due to the extreme pampering and care from the parents has made him rebellious and he does not care who is in front of him. He is a selfish freak for whom only his life matters.

There is only one word in his dictionary, "ME".

He got up from the bed and threw the quilt and everything which came in his way to the bathroom on the floor. According to him, making a mess and throwing things around relive his stress. This is his theory and only he can understand this absurd philosophy.

By the way the question arises, is there anything stressful in his life? He only knows how to have fun and due to his high IQ he does not study too. Just reading it once is enough for him to remember every single word.

Zion brushed his teeth, washed his face and changed into blue jeans with black shirt. His hair roughly combed falling on the forehead making him radiate a majestic aura. He came down the stairs while whistling.

Meanwhile, Angela threw dagger at him. "What were you doing last night? Why didn't you go to school? Do you know what the principal said to your Dad? They are not kicking you out due to your results otherwise no school in this whole world would have bothered to give you an admission". She spoke in a single breath and the endless nagging started.

Zion is a perfect example of listening to the words from one ear and getting rid of them from another one. He took an apple from the basket of fruits and bite on it. The juice glistening on his lips. The girls would definitely want to have a little taste of them. He arrogantly turned on the television while Angela released a huge amount of air.

Whom can they blame? It is all their fault.

"Ask Iva to set you a lunch". No matter what, he is her son and she is concerned about him. He nodded and tossed the stem of apple in the bin and with his hands in the pockets he went to the kitchen.

Iva was already busy preparing a pasta and chicken for him. She is with them since Angela and Aiden Black got married. Naturally, Zion knows her since he started to comprehend things. Due to his extraordinary IQ he started to speak earlier and remember all the things after he turned two. At that age, he knew the numbers, alphabets, the phone number and every detail or talk that was done in his presence.

Due to the busy lives of the parents he mostly spent the time with Iva. "How did you know that I was craving for fried chicken?" he showed a beautiful smile with the revelation of all the pearly teeth.

"I just know." Iva has gotten used to hearing this dialogue and replying him with this answer. Whenever, he sees her cooking he says he craves that dish. She does not know whether he says it to encourage her or out of fun. But he is not the type who cares about the feelings of others. This is a mystery to her.

He ate the lunch and was about to slip away with the friends to make the life of someone hell but he saw Aiden coming back to home from the office. 'Why is he back earlier?' He thought.

"Don't go outside today. I need to discuss something important with you". Zion frowned but still he went out with his friends. The plans they had were important than the matter his father wants to discuss with.

He went out with his friends. They are underage but it is an easy deal for them to get in the club. But for unknown reason, he was not getting comfortable with anything. His heart was not calm and after having 1 or 2 shots he went back home on the heavy bike.

Mr. and Mrs. Knight were waiting for him. He glanced at them with indifferent eyes and went to the staircase. But Aiden Knight called him.

"I told you not to go out". He scolded him. "Come here now, Zion".

Zion ran his fingers in the hair and came back to the living room. He sat in front of them but took out the mobile phone from the pocket while his fingers roamed uselessly on the Instagram. Suddenly, a post grabbed his attention. There was a picture of sky. The sky was covered with dark clouds. But these dark clouds were not representing the weather but they were perfectly portraying the weather of someone's life. "I want to die" was written in the caption.

He smirked making the fun of that unknown user. The name of the ID was “lost in the unknown". "Then go and die. What are you waiting for? Or should I tell you the ways to die painlessly?" Then he put an emoticon with a smirk.