From Rags To Magnate
img img From Rags To Magnate img Chapter 1 The Light In His Life
Chapter 7 Charming Saleswoman img
Chapter 8 Second Task Completed img
Chapter 9 She Is Highly Sensitive img
Chapter 10 No Mercy img
Chapter 11 Humiliate Himself img
Chapter 12 Gift img
Chapter 13 Her Birthday Party img
Chapter 14 The Fake One img
Chapter 15 Is Tristan Crazy img
Chapter 16 Sever All Ties img
Chapter 17 Skip Out On The Bill img
Chapter 18 How The Hell Is It You img
Chapter 19 Compensation img
Chapter 20 She Misses Everything img
Chapter 21 Desire In The Car img
Chapter 22 Rumor img
Chapter 23 Money Makes The Rumor Disappear img
Chapter 24 Her Invitation img
Chapter 25 Being Kept By An Older Man img
Chapter 26 Buy Breezy Hotel img
Chapter 27 Martial Artist img
Chapter 28 Skill Upgrade img
Chapter 29 Generous Boss img
Chapter 30 Date img
Chapter 31 His True Identity img
Chapter 32 You Must Be Mine img
Chapter 33 Being Ignored By Everyone img
Chapter 34 Take The Initiative img
Chapter 35 She Needed Answers img
Chapter 36 Attending The Party img
Chapter 37 Childhood Playmate img
Chapter 38 His Singing img
Chapter 39 An Uninvited Guest img
Chapter 40 Chairman img
Chapter 41 Know His True Identity img
Chapter 42 Curiosity Is The Beginning Of Love img
Chapter 43 Unexpected Misfortune img
Chapter 44 Her Admiration img
Chapter 45 Spark Heated Debates img
Chapter 46 Violin img
Chapter 47 Blind To True Value img
Chapter 48 Make An Offer img
Chapter 49 Too Cheap img
Chapter 50 The Origin Of The Violin img
Chapter 51 Witness The Titanic Sinking img
Chapter 52 Clarify It img
Chapter 53 Initiative Kiss img
Chapter 54 The Furious Hannah img
Chapter 55 Dottie's Request img
Chapter 56 Offer Herself img
Chapter 57 Why Are You So Good To Me img
Chapter 58 A Call From Silpool img
Chapter 59 The Christmas Event img
Chapter 60 Standing At The Center Of The Stage img
Chapter 61 Pregnant img
Chapter 62 Having Money Is Wonderful img
Chapter 63 The Mysterious Club img
Chapter 64 Assert Her Dominance Over Him img
Chapter 65 How To Play Golf img
Chapter 66 Master Level Skill img
Chapter 67 Eagle Shot img
Chapter 68 The World Of Martial Artists img
Chapter 69 Imposing Aura img
Chapter 70 Victory img
Chapter 71 Hattie's Invitation img
Chapter 72 Bet img
Chapter 73 Falling Behind img
Chapter 74 Feel The Pressure img
Chapter 75 The Final Turn img
Chapter 76 Overtaking Successfully img
Chapter 77 Being Drugged img
Chapter 78 Prime Bar img
Chapter 79 Emergency Rescue img
Chapter 80 One Thousand Slaps img
Chapter 81 Competitor img
Chapter 82 Who Is He img
Chapter 83 Opening Ceremony img
Chapter 84 His Friend img
Chapter 85 Hattie Was Shy img
Chapter 86 His Girlfriend img
Chapter 87 Is Your Cousin A Security Guard img
Chapter 88 Throw Her Into The Trash Can img
Chapter 89 The Charity Auction img
Chapter 90 Bid One Million Dollars img
Chapter 91 Your Seat Is Not Here img
Chapter 92 Senior Member img
Chapter 93 Lillian's Parents img
Chapter 94 Shameless Family img
Chapter 95 Don't Move img
Chapter 96 Always Be There For You img
Chapter 97 Give Her A New Life img
Chapter 98 Brother-In-Law img
Chapter 99 Shameless Request img
Chapter 100 Take Them Down img
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From Rags To Magnate

Endless Summer
img img

Chapter 1 The Light In His Life

"Aunt Susie, I'm doing fine in school. You don't have to send me money anymore. I'm healthy, and there's no need for you to visit, what with your work schedule being so full."

When the call was over, the smile and calmness Tristan Stanfield had just managed to show vanished.

He stared at the medical examination report he was holding, tears welling up in his eyes and a lump forming in his throat.

On the final page, the report stated, "Diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. Hospitalization for treatment is urgently recommended!"


Tristan couldn't believe what he was reading.

The thought that he could have leukemia was beyond him.

Leukemia. That meant blood cancer!

"Aunt Susie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it from you. But I... I had no other option. I didn't want to be a burden to you."

Tristan clenched his teeth, whispering in a low voice.

Teardrops trickled down from his eyes. As tears fell onto the examination report, the word "leukemia" became blurred.

His vision became blurry.

In that moment, Tristan wished more than anything that this was all just a nightmare, hoping to soon wake up.

Yet, this cruel twist of fate wouldn't spare him his feelings.

Indeed, this was yet another harsh blow in his life.

Tristan, whose parents died when he was a child, was left with nothing but a simple bronze ring.

His aunt, Susie Brooks, had taken him in, and through sheer determination, he had earned a place at Singve University.

He had dreams of graduating, securing a good job, working hard to earn money, and repaying his aunt for her love and support.

Just as he was starting to see a bright future ahead, he collapsed and was rushed to the hospital by his classmates.

The diagnosis was leukemia.

The cost of treatment could reach up to 500, 000, assuming that everything went smoothly and a suitable bone marrow donor was found.

Tristan took a deep breath, steeling himself with determination. "No, I cannot surrender!"

Throughout the years, he hadn't just relied on his aunt. He had worked part-time jobs while studying, saving money to lighten the financial load on his aunt.

The money he had saved was with his girlfriend, Ellie Harrison, for keeping it safe.

Thinking about Ellie made Tristan feel a warmth spread through him, and his gaze turned determined.

To him, Ellie was gentle and kind-hearted. Unlike other students who sneered at his need to work, Ellie had looked past what others thought and chosen to be with him.

Tristan believed Ellie was the beacon of light in his darkness.

With this thought, a spark of hope lit up in him.

He planned to get his savings from Ellie and then proceed to the hospital for a thorough check-up.

Could there have been an error in his diagnosis?

Without delay, he reached out to Ellie.

Yet, after several rings, the call unexpectedly cut off.

His brows knitted together in concern, and he tried once more.

This time, after a long wait, Ellie picked up.

"Ellie, where are you? I need to see you. There's something important we need to discuss," Tristan said.

Ellie sounded rushed and slightly irritated on the phone. "I'm at the library, swamped with studies. Can we talk about this tomorrow?"

Before Tristan could respond, she ended the call.

Tristan stood there, taken aback, and then let out a deep sigh.


How many "tomorrows" could he realistically count on?

Just then, two girls walked by, deep in conversation. He couldn't help but overhear their chat.

"Who's that girl we just saw at the entrance of the dorm? She managed to snag Kevin Vance."

"Oh, that's Ellie Harrison. She's my neighbor in the dorm. Really pretty, and she's got guts too. She went ahead and organized a whole ceremony to declare her feelings to Kevin, the rich heir."

The girls giggled and moved on.

But Tristan remained frozen, as if struck by a bolt of lightning.


Kevin Vance, the wealthy heir?

A ceremony to declare her feelings?

A cloud of disbelief enveloped Tristan's mind.