Bounty Hunter
img img Bounty Hunter img Chapter 1 Color of her eyes
Chapter 6 A little visit img
Chapter 7 His touch img
Chapter 8 Trembling img
Chapter 9 Missed me img
Chapter 10 Mine img
Chapter 11 Kidnapped img
Chapter 12 Drugged img
Chapter 13 A friend img
Chapter 14 A close watch img
Chapter 15 Stabbed img
Chapter 16 Call me Reed, baby img
Chapter 17 Sex toy img
Chapter 18 Psychotic img
Chapter 19 Argument with Alex img
Chapter 20 Wet dreams img
Chapter 21 Run Arthur, run! img
Chapter 22 Mission accomplished img
Chapter 23 My good little slut img
Chapter 24 Cum for me while he dies img
Chapter 25 Outrageous img
Chapter 26 Bullet hole img
Chapter 27 Rough and hard img
Chapter 28 Punishment img
Chapter 29 Bound and fucked img
Chapter 30 Unconscious img
Chapter 31 Protective img
Chapter 32 Loving Zinnia img
Chapter 33 Red flag img
Chapter 34 Roman’s Banquet I img
Chapter 35 Roman’s Banquet II img
Chapter 36 Romans Banquet III img
Chapter 37 Accident img
Chapter 38 Aftermath img
Chapter 39 Just like them img
Chapter 40 In love with Reed img
Chapter 41 A gory scene img
Chapter 42 Good boy img
Chapter 43 Decapitated head img
Chapter 44 Abyss img
Chapter 45 Taken img
Chapter 46 Alex img
Chapter 47 Welcome to hell img
Chapter 48 Save me img
Chapter 49 Found something img
Chapter 50 Alex is found img
Chapter 51 Last breath img
Chapter 52 Free img
Chapter 53 Loss of an acquaintance img
Chapter 54 Taken back img
Chapter 55 Perish img
Chapter 56 An exchange img
Chapter 57 The dungeons img
Chapter 58 Free at last img
Chapter 59 Conscious img
Chapter 60 Panic attack img
Chapter 61 61 img
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Bounty Hunter

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Chapter 1 Color of her eyes

“Please. I didn't do anything. Don’t hurt me please” I watched the asshole beg for his dear life, fuelling that fucked up need in me to kill. Blood rushed through my veins, adrenaline pumping from his every sob, making me eager to end his suffering. I walked away from him, in a bit to calm myself, because while I enjoyed his suffering like the fucking psycho that I am, I wanted it to last longer.

I picked up a pair of pliers and walked back to him. His left eye had already turned dark from my fist repeatedly smashing against it.

“Please, spare my life” he begged further and I ignored his cry. I held him by the hair and forcefully yanked his head backwards, causing him to yell out in pain and granting me access to his mouth, which has been my target.

"You have a fetish for biting women, how about I fix that for you?" I whispered and carefully positioned the pliers on one of his big front teeth. More muffled pleas spurred out from his mouth and again, I ignored it.

I took my time in pulling out his teeth, making his pain last longer and the sound of his screams making me go high. His teeth fully out, I threw it aside and yanked his head backwards, ready to pull out the other big teeth. But I was fast this time and as soon as I was done and releasing his head, the bastard dropped to the ground.

"You have got to be kidding me" I hissed out in annoyance, coming down from my high. I brought my hand to his neck, checking for a pulse and when I couldn't find any, I rolled my eyes.

"Fucking asshole. Couldn't be a man and take all the pain" I cursed out. I stood next to the lifeless body, wondering if it was worth continuing with what I had in store for him or figuring out another means to get off the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Soon, my phone begins to vibrate. I pull it out of my pocket and answer without looking at the caller ID. Very few people had my private line, so I knew it was someone close to me calling.

"RD" I murmured my signature greeting once the phone was pressed to my ear.

"Why can't you say hello for once, like every other normal person would?" At the sound of Harnoid's voice, I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I hissed out, still very pisssed off at the fact that I couldn't carry out my plans.

"Wow, calm down. I was just calling to make sure you haven't decapitated him" There was amusement in her voice as she spoke and that irked me. Rolling my eyes further, I cursed at her and then hung up the call, trusting that she'll get the hint and send someone to clean up.

I took out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and lit it, inhaling the smoke and letting it burn my throat. After three more drags, I relaxed.

Shooting one last look at my victim, I cursed again before walking out of the premises, leaving his lifeless body there.

This side of town was known for gang fights, drug traffickers and whatnot, so I wasn't in the least bit worried about the bastard's death being traced back to me. They'll most likely assume it was a gang fight gone wrong. And if there was anything linking me to him, I trust Harnoid to make it disappear.

The night breeze is cooler this time of the year, and some wear jackets, while others opt to wear jeans or long pants. I was dressed in black from head to toe. It’s not because I prefer the colour—it’s solely because it’s harder to see the blood.

Blood likes to splatter.

Blood likes to stain.

If I wore a white shirt, as I have once before, blood is a bitch to get out. It lingers where it’s not wanted. And I would end up throwing that shirt out. Doesn’t help I can’t wash my clothes to save my life. But black, well, it’s easier. It’s also better for blending in. And now, my wardrobe consists of black for convenience.

I walked towards my car when I caught sight of something. Or rather, someone. A young girl, mostly in her mid-twenties, had a handbag pressed to her chest as she nervously scurried away, every now and then, looking behind to make sure she wasn't being followed.

And then, three men appeared all of a sudden and she fastened her steps. Soon enough, they were catching up with her and she began sobbing.

"Please don’t hurt me" was all I heard before I decided it was time for me to step in. My time with the asshole ended sooner than I'd hoped for, but God in his infinite mercy, sent me three more toys to play with.

"Why don't you three boneheads grow some balls and pick on someone your size?" all three of their gazes turn to me while I put off my cigarette.

I felt her scarred gaze on me and I looked past the assholes to her. Her eyes were blue? Perhaps green? I couldn't be certain for sure and it didn't help that she immediately ran away, leaving me with my newest plaything.

"What did you say, dickhead?" one of them questioned as they approached me.

"Three men against one woman is a dick move, especially when she isn't interested" I replied calmly. Adrenaline began to rise again as I anticipated all the ways I was going to end their suffering.

They were quite built, three, maybe four inches taller than me, but I knew I could take them down. It's not about the size, it's all about the technique, and with how they approached me, I knew they didn't have that.

They were thinking it was probably going to be another street fight. You know, the typical exchange of blows here and there, but there were wrong.

As soon as the first one approached me, my knife was slicing with precision through his throat. With the other two, I exchanged a few blows and it's disgraceful to say, none of them got a punch in. Soon enough, my knife punctured through one's neck, causing blood to spatter and landing on my face. And with the other, I aimed for his kneecap.

He screamed and I smiled in relief. I stood up, lit another cigarette and after taking two drags, I walked away in the same direction as the girl, in hopes to figure out the colour of her eyes.
