Riches After Betrayal
img img Riches After Betrayal img Chapter 1 System Activated
Chapter 21 Cross Paths Again img
Chapter 22 Exposed img
Chapter 23 Kevin's Struggle img
Chapter 24 The Most Expensive Car In Aylbupool img
Chapter 25 Driving Skill Unlocked img
Chapter 26 Invitation To Live Together img
Chapter 27 The Owner Of Breezy Hotel img
Chapter 28 Buy Breezy Hotel img
Chapter 29 Martial Artist img
Chapter 30 Tristan's Physical Change img
Chapter 31 Generous Boss img
Chapter 32 Party Plans img
Chapter 33 It's You img
Chapter 34 The Remorseful Hannah img
Chapter 35 Find A Dance Partner img
Chapter 36 Strike While The Iron Is Hot img
Chapter 37 Ellie Finds Out The Truth img
Chapter 38 The Party img
Chapter 39 Childhood Playmate img
Chapter 40 Tristan's Singing img
Chapter 41 An Uninvited Guest img
Chapter 42 Friends With The Chairman Of Breezy Hotel img
Chapter 43 True Identity Exposed img
Chapter 44 Dottie's Inner Thoughts img
Chapter 45 Disaster Strikes img
Chapter 46 Hannah's Admiration img
Chapter 47 A Sensation img
Chapter 48 The Violin Shop img
Chapter 49 Mockery img
Chapter 50 The Old Violin img
Chapter 51 The Shocked Owner img
Chapter 52 The Story Behind The Violin img
Chapter 53 Hartley's Violin img
Chapter 54 Clarify The Rumors img
Chapter 55 The Kiss img
Chapter 56 The Furious Hannah img
Chapter 57 First Kiss img
Chapter 58 To Be My First img
Chapter 59 Why Are You So Kind To Me img
Chapter 60 A Call From The Cousin img
Chapter 61 The Man In The Mask img
Chapter 62 The Center Of The Stage img
Chapter 63 Pregnant img
Chapter 64 First Class Passenger img
Chapter 65 Enthusiastic Reuben img
Chapter 66 The Woman With The Noble Temperament img
Chapter 67 How To Play Golf img
Chapter 68 The Shocked Hattie img
Chapter 69 Eagle img
Chapter 70 The Levels Of Martial Artists img
Chapter 71 Arrogant Man img
Chapter 72 Tristan Wins img
Chapter 73 Hattie's Invitation img
Chapter 74 A Bet img
Chapter 75 Off To The Races img
Chapter 76 The Race Is On img
Chapter 77 The Last Bend img
Chapter 78 The Winner img
Chapter 79 Joan Was In Danger img
Chapter 80 Prime Bar img
Chapter 81 Unexpected Identity img
Chapter 82 A Thousand Slaps img
Chapter 83 A Competitor img
Chapter 84 Who Is This Man img
Chapter 85 Opening Ceremony img
Chapter 86 Joan's Question img
Chapter 87 Hattie Was Shy img
Chapter 88 Cousin-in-Law img
Chapter 89 Is Your Cousin A Security Guard img
Chapter 90 Bullying Joan img
Chapter 91 Charity Banquet Begins img
Chapter 92 One Million Dollars img
Chapter 93 Ridicule From Strangers img
Chapter 94 Million-dollar Performance img
Chapter 95 Lillian's Parents Stir Up Trouble img
Chapter 96 Shameless Relatives img
Chapter 97 Nobody Move img
Chapter 98 Intimate Moment img
Chapter 99 New Arrangement img
Chapter 100 Discussion img
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Riches After Betrayal

Lorenza Pollick
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Chapter 1 System Activated

On the sports field of Singve University

"Tristan, I'm breaking up with you." Ellie Harrison crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Tristan Stanfield coldly.

"What?! Why? Ellie, what did I do wrong? Why are you doing this to me?" Tristan ran his fingers through his disheveled hair in distress.

They had been together since high school. After graduating, they were both accepted into Singve University. In the eyes of their classmates and teachers, they were the perfect couple.

Tristan had thought that this was just the beginning of the rest of their happy lives together, but unexpectedly, Ellie broke up with him—on his birthday!

"Tristan, I don't have feelings for you anymore. Just leave. I don't want to see you again!" Nose wrinkled in disgust, Ellie fanned her face as though she was trying to drive away a pesky fly.

"Ellie, tell me the truth. Are you seeing Kevin Vance? Is that what this is about?" Tristan's eyes turned bloodshot, anger surging in them.

Three days ago, he saw Ellie get in Kevin's car. At the time, he thought his eyes were deceiving him and comforted himself that a pure girl like Ellie wouldn't betray him. However, reality slapped him hard in the face.

"So what? Tristan, man up and quit pestering me. Kevin will be here soon. I don't want him to think that we're still together." As Ellie spoke, she retreated a few steps back, as though she was afraid of being associated with Tristan.

"Kevin's nothing but a playboy! He won't value you the way I do. He just wants to play with you! I'm the only one who truly loves you! Ellie, please don't break up with me. We can work this out!" While Tristan spoke, he reached out and tried to hold Ellie's hand.

But Ellie withdrew her hand and looked at Tristan with unmasked disgust. "Don't touch me! Tristan, I never wanted to be with you. I feel like I wasted my time. You don't have a house or a car. You can only work for others and struggle for life after graduation. I don't want to suffer anymore. Just look at the necklace Kevin gave me—it's worth a hundred and twenty thousand dollars! It would take you a few years of hard work to be able to afford this necklace! He can give me the life I want. Can you? You can't, because you're just a penniless loser!"

"Money, money, money! Is money really so important to you?" Tristan flew into a fit of rage.

"You're the idiot if you can't see that money is everything!" a voice sounded from behind them.

Clad in his designer suit and wearing a luxury wristwatch, Kevin walked over with a mocking smile.

"Kevin, didn't I tell you to wait for me in the car? I said I'd come to you once I break things off with this loser." Ellie wrapped her arms around Kevin's neck and batted her eyelashes at him flirtatiously.

Kevin slipped his arm around Ellie's waist, making sure to stroke her ass while he was at it.

Ellie didn't shy away from his touch. Instead, she moaned with pleasure, encouraging him to touch her some more.

Seeing this, Tristan felt as though his heart had been ripped into pieces. In a rage, he balled his hand into a fist and was about to throw a punch at Kevin.

Reacting fast, Kevin lifted his foot and kicked Tristan in the chest, sending him flying into the air before landing on the ground. Before Tristan could prop himself up, Kevin slapped him across the face and stomped on his chest.

"Tristan Stanfield, listen up. Ellie's mine now. I'm going to take her to Breezy Hotel for lunch, then we'll get a room at night. You loser, I really want you to see how she moans like a slut under me."

Hearing Kevin's words, Tristan wriggled his body fiercely to break free, but to no avail.

Kevin looked condescendingly down at Tristan as though he was an ant. Then, Kevin pulled Ellie into his arms and smiled at her obscenely. "Babe, I bought you some sexy panties for later. We're going to have a lot of fun tonight! This loser could never satisfy you, but I can!"

After saying that, Kevin licked his lips hungrily. Without warning, he shoved his hand into Ellie's collar and rubbed her breasts wantonly.

Ellie's breathing quickened. Her cheeks turned as red as a tomato and her eyes turned dull with lust.

Still struggling on the ground, Tristan felt a surge of mixed emotions—anger, heartbreak, and disgust. The feeling was so overwhelming that he felt dizzy.

He had been with Ellie for three years, but he never even held her hand.

In his eyes, Ellie was as pure and holy as a goddess.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be such a slut.

Anger was the emotion that triumphed over all. Tristan clenched his fists and pounded on the ground as he watched the two walk away. He roared, "Money, money, money! If I become rich one day, I'll make you pay the price!"

The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth, choking him. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood. The next second, his vision went black, and he passed out on the sports field.

The blood stained the ring on his finger. In an instant, the ring seemed to absorb the blood.

The ring used to belong to Tristan's parents, and he had worn it since childhood.

Twenty years had passed, but this was the first time the bronze ring emitted a strange light.

After some time, Tristan gradually came to.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to find himself lying on a bed in the school infirmary.

Just as he was struggling to get up, his finger accidentally touched the bronze ring.

A tinny sound suddenly rang in his brain.

"Ding! You've activated the Magnate System...

First novice task activated: consume one million dollars! Once the mission is accomplished, hidden achievements will be activated and you will be rewarded by the system.

Task time: 24 hours.

The system's payment is in progress..."

Hearing the strange, robotic voice in his brain, Tristan was dumbfounded. He looked around blankly, wondering if someone was playing some sort of trick on him.

Just then, Tristan's phone vibrated. When he glanced at the screen, he saw that it was a notification from the bank.

"Your account received a transfer of $1, 000, 000. Your current balance is $1, 000, 078."

Stunned beyond belief, Tristan's hand went numb and the phone dropped onto the bed. "Am I dreaming? I've become a millionaire?!"