img img LESBIAN SLAVE img Chapter 3 Model
Chapter 6 What Kings Can do img
Chapter 7 Horny King img
Chapter 8 The Ball img
Chapter 9 Naughty Teacher part 1 img
Chapter 10 Naughty Teacher part 2 img
Chapter 11 Kings img
Chapter 12 The Royalties img
Chapter 13 Expanding img
Chapter 14 Random Things img
Chapter 15 Ms.Bully img
Chapter 16 The General img
Chapter 17 Kenzo's Weird Things img
Chapter 18 Shun Yu's Might img
Chapter 19 The Slave img
Chapter 20 Slave's Party img
Chapter 21 Brittany img
Chapter 22 The King img
Chapter 23 Vacation img
Chapter 24 Vacation 2 img
Chapter 25 Vacation 3 img
Chapter 26 Surprise img
Chapter 27 Meet Shinji Yun img
Chapter 28 The truth img
Chapter 29 No use img
Chapter 30 Black Angel Agency img
Chapter 31 Yatch img
Chapter 32 Yatch 2 img
Chapter 33 Yatch 3 img
Chapter 34 Yatch 4 img
Chapter 35 Ambushed img
Chapter 36 Rescue img
Chapter 37 Rescue 2 img
Chapter 38 Heated Moments img
Chapter 39 Back img
Chapter 40 Meet img
Chapter 41 Happiness She didn't knew img
Chapter 42 The Plan img
Chapter 43 Shun just herself img
Chapter 44 The Visitor img
Chapter 45 Shock img
Chapter 46 Kenji img
Chapter 47 Shun's Charm img
Chapter 48 Brittany's Changes img
Chapter 49 Not You, It's me img
Chapter 50 The Mighty Has Fallen img
Chapter 51 She doesn't know img
Chapter 52 Brittany's Kinks img
Chapter 53 War img
Chapter 54 Shun's Anger img
Chapter 55 Twisted Game img
Chapter 56 The truth img
Chapter 57 Shun Yu's Daring Plan img
Chapter 58 After the Ambush img
Chapter 59 Rescue Mission img
Chapter 60 Brittany My Love img
Chapter 61 The Punishment img
Chapter 62 The Punishment part 2 img
Chapter 63 Welcoming img
Chapter 64 Welcome part 2 img
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Chapter 3 Model

"She's in her condo at **** Condominium King.." my Assassin's said I nod, all my slaves were investigated well as soon as Brittany wash her body the tracker will be off.

"The tracker is off King" she said and I nod, maybe I just want to know ey?,.

"Brittany Parker a Famous Model and Social Influencer, No family left her parent's died in a car accident a Graduate in Business Management a Judo and Taekwondo blackbelter, and she's active in a firing team in **** " I nod hmmm a blackbelter huh,.

"Call her I want to see her" I coldly said then left my office.


"King.." Brittany kiss my hand then I point my lips , then she kiss me.

"Fight with me my slave.." I said then she's stun for a moment and she nod,.

"I'll just change King" she said and I just nod, maybe I'll just change to.


"Ready?" I ask then she nod, she has this fierce look her face I smirk that's more like it, I aim for my position and she did so to, she's wearing her taekwondo uniform.

"Ladies first" I smirk then she nod,

"Yahh!" Then she attack using her combine footwork and punches, I smirk again and just being in my defense stances.

Her attacking is fast that I smile, she even hit me on the waist,.

"Ki-King attack to" She said while attacking,.

"Get ready then-" I replied then attacked her, she change on to defensive stance I was attacking her and hit her hard in her body, I saw no pain in her face well she's like use to it.

Then I saw an open on her left b*obs, I was about to punch it but I just pinch her left boobs, she squel in pain then I smirk she even glaire at me oh my slave is annoyed haha,.

"come on hit me.." I annoyed her more with my smirk, she role her eyes upwards then attack me non-stop.

When she punch me it's my turn to turn around, then I was on her back she didn't expect that then I grab her two hand's and put in on her back, like she's a murderer I cuff.

"got yah my little murderer" I Chuck she groan, when I lick her neck then bite it softly, she's hurt but I only hear her groan soflty I guess it's not painful?., I shrug on that thoughts.

"Want another round?" I whisper on her ear then she nod,.

"When you lose,.." I left some words to her then, lick her earlobe ,. "You'll be my lunch for today" I said then let her go.

"but if I win?" she ask, then smile.

"If you'll win you'll be the one to punish me in bed,. well if you win then haha" I laugh then she do her stance again then attack me, I laugh when she is trying real hard to punch me,.

"You really want to dominate ei?" I ask , stepping backward's, she smirk and lick her lips oh that was a damn hot move,.

"I really want to ravish you My King.." She said it like, she's a seductress ready to manipulate me onto her hands then I smirk to.

I run to her she was shock that she can't even move, but she react afterwards.

"just hit me on the face and you'll win!" I said and trying to hit her body but she's good at defense, she even fighting back that I was enjoying and smiling when we are fighting what's with the scene that I'm so happy?..

"You can't even hit me" I tease her, she's sitting on the floor tired,. "Yeah whatever" she replied,..

"King stop smiling" my Butler said then I look at her, yeah she is a girl well not a real girl she is lesbian like me.

"Do I look happy?" I ask in confuse look then she nod, I nod in disbelief to what? I'm genuinely happy? just by seeing Brittany's face annoyed and contented fighting with me it make me happy.

"That's interesting.." I smile again and look at Brittany's face so tired that she lie down on the floor I was shock then walk onto her,.

"Tired ei?" I ask her she's is close and her hands are just there lie down to,.. "Yeah I just can't even hit you arrrg" she groan then I Chuck,..

I kneel to her side to scope her in my arms,.

"King I'll do it" my arms stop Midway and look at her, then I look at brittany who was looking at me to, what am I doing anyway?. but the whatever.

"I can handle it" I said then she bow down, I scope Brittany she didn't even protest.

"Your tired to even protest?" I ask her then she nod,. then my heartbeats so fast when she snake her hands on my neck then she buried her head on my neck tho,.

"It tickles my slave " I said then she giggle and kiss my neck, I groan in protest but letting her do her thing.

"don't want to stop me my King?" she sexily whisper in my ear,. "I'll tell you if I do" I replied and just walking on our way to my room.

My Butler maybe wandering but I love the way my heart is beating so insanely fast , when I'm with her but really maybe I have a heart failure? a heart attack or a heart disease? really it's so abnormal ,.

When i was about to say something then I realize Brittany was sleeping peacefully in my arms, then we are arrive at my room then slowly I put her on my bed.

"It's your 1st time you let your slave sleep in your bed King.." my Butler said I just nod, it really is so weird about what is happening on me, but really I don't even care..

"I don't even know what's into me Kiro" I said then I gesture her to leave she bow and leave , she slowly I untie her uniform then it reveals her beautiful body, damn hot.

"hmmmm" she moan and change position, she even open her left eyes,. "I'll change your clothes" I said then she nob, then I change her with my big t-shirt and boxers.

why is it that she looks so really tired ei?.



When I woke up i was confused , then I realize I sleep in shun yu's arms okay what did I do ei?,. Then i check my self I'm wearing a big t-shirt ang boxer maybe it's from shun Yu her smell is all over the t-shirt ,. then I look on the mirror my hair is messy but fine.

Then I check the surroundings, this is not the room we have s*x it's different and even big the design of the room is so expensive like someone rich owns it,. I think it's Shun Yu's room?. then I saw her at the rooms veranda, I walk slowly then she notice my presence she's just looking and not even bothering to speak, then she blow her cigarettes yes she's smoking.

"Good evening my little slave" she greeted me with her cold voice , I just nob and sit on the chair on her veranda.

"You don't even greet how unfair you don't even thank me, for bringing your tired ass hmmmm" she said that and even walk on my side, I stare at her she's smirking and she even hold my chin to look into her eyes ,.

"I can't talk for about 5 mins well it is my habit" I answer her then snake my hands on her neck,. " Well thank you for carrying your little slave hmmmm" I sexily said then she kiss me then I respond,.

"I didn't brush my teeth-" I mutter between our kiss, I heard her Chuck for a bit "I don't even care hmmmm" she replied and scope me again then I snake my legs on her waist ,. kissing Shun Yu is making my body hot and want more.

"I don't even know why but-" She started to talk when she walks carrying me, we stop kissing and staring at each other how is that possible this devil has a face like an angel it's like God didn't rush things making her. "-Your making my body hot when were just this close and just kissing" she continue I laugh.,

"Just this close really my King? We are so close tss" I said then she laugh, how ironic that even her laugh was so sexy as hell,. then she put me on her bed and she's on top of me.

"Well I'm hot My King so if your this close with me you'll get affected" I smirk then she smirk to,. "Self compliment huh?" she ask then I laugh,. "wahhh no King no wahhh help haha" she tickles me, and I was laughing and she tickles and kissing me I moan and laugh. "Stop My-My haha King wahhh" I burst out laughing and she's laughing to,.


"OMG King stop haha no!!" we heard a laughing woman on the dinning area, I am the Housekeeper's main lady , the ladies's here was even curious with the girl laughing and running then I check it and I was shock to see King Shun Yu smiling and running with a girl,.

"King Shun Yu is so handsome while smiling.." someone from our lady maid murmured, yeah really it's about 10 yrs when she laugh like that like a genuine laugh with no sarcasm on it, she smiles like they so enjoyed with there company.

"it's her new slave Brittany" King Shun Yu's Butler commented while watching the scene I nob,. "I'm happy for baby Shun" I smile then my tears begin to fall,. I was there lady main since Shun Yu was a kid, she's like my son and she even kiss me on the forehead like her mother in the past, her parents died on an ambushed in there past mansion and sad to say her Sister was abduct ,. and until now she didn't even find her.

"oh Nanay Lina" Shun Yu stop chasing the girl when she saw me, she then approach me and kiss my forehead,. She called me Nanay or Mother in Tagalog language in the Philippines, I hug her to greet her to,.

"Oh Nanay this is Brittany, Brittany this is Nanay Lina my beautiful mother" she introduced me to her slave and that is new,. " I'm not really your mother Shun Yu" I said then she smile.

"yes you are " she said and I smile to this kid was always doing that.

"hello I'm brittany" brittany said then I nob and hug her to,.

"Take care you two okay I'll take care of the dinner " I said and leave them,.