"Dove...." A girl stressed out and paces around the room impatiently "Gosh! " She groans almost pulling her hair ."
Its like this every darn day ! " she taps her feet impatient "Dove !" She yells "You better get your flat ass down here "
Her words were swallowed as Dove appeared giving a cute smile. She looked like the Dove itself .
The girl scoff "I can't believe you spent all day just for this ". She eyes Dove hoodie and her long trousers.
" pretty right " Dove said with a cute smile .
The girl smiled "ya pretty outdated ". She teased lightly , Dove face tightens a little.
The girl pick that and lock arms with Dove " I don't have enough brain in my head left for the virtuous woman ,Mother Theresa !" She teased ,and Dove smiled lightly ,together they half ran to their block .
Mona and I can be what you guys call Soulmate bestie ,our differences never tear us apart .Her thought were cut off as Mona adjust Dove hair .Dove snickered ." Oh ! Forgot to mention that Mona act like a mother hen, even though she is just four months older! "
"Alright ,off you go". Mona said .
" yes mom!" .Dove roll her eyes and ran off cause she was running late .
"Ya " Mona yells . Dove wave from behind rushing towards her class ,everything seems peaceful and perfect just like how she wanted her 1424 day in college to end.
She was about to shut the door when she heard a groan .The door caught someone finger .
" Oh ! Am so sorry ".she held the finger blowing air on it , Jayden smirked then he opens the door fully ,he had a sober look on his face .
Dove dropped his fingers immediately she saw Jayden . Jayden smirked " Of course she would be surprised who wouldn't be ,she was holding the most love hot boy in school .
He leans closer "Aren't you going to apologize .Dove glare surprised him ." why should I?". She said with a cold look.
"Why shouldn't you apologize ?" he frowned back.
Dove scoff "I thought ,they use eyes to see ?,you probably use yours to walk ". Jayden jaw dropped, he stared at Dove " isn't she not the sweet girl, Charlotte described ". He stared at her intently
" No doubt she is the one ,blond hair ,brown eyes and definitely a naive girl dressing , so whats missing. Dove hiss then walk off.
Jayden jaw dropped in disbelief " How rude !".He said then smirked
"The harder she , louder she would scream ,just wait Dove , I'mma gonna f**k you like the bitch you are ". His lips curled in a nasty smile as he saw Dove settling down .
Suddenly a girl shrieks loudly .
"Oh my Gosh ,it's Jayden ". Heads turned immediately , the students let out a loud scream
"Jayden !."
"My Hero "
"My Everything "
"Class will be worth attending ."
"I am never going to skip class again ".
"Wait ,but what's he doing here"
"Who cares ! ,I am going to see his sexy face everyday "
"Jayden fuck me!" A girl spat , causing everyone to laugh Including Jayden .
Dove rolls her eyes "Bet he must be feeling like a proud monkey ".
Jayden smirk ceased as he saw Dove , deeply concentrated on her books.
He scoffs and walk towards her seat ignoring girls calling him to come over as he sat down ,the girls glared at Dove with envy .
If looks could kill Dove will be six feet now . Jayden threw a playful look , Dove gave him a "Fuck off look ".
Jayden slowly frowned "That bitch didn't set me with a lesbian ,did she?". He stared at Dove "she looks straight but you can never tell ".
"Hey " .He said in a hoarse voice .
"What ? " Dove said flatly . He stared surprised again .But he covered it with a smile .
"You are pretty" .He said in a whisper and stared at her eyes .He saw her rolls her eyes .
Dove ignored him.
"It's not nice to ignore a compliment " He said ,Dove rolls her eyes in relief as the lecturer walk in .
The students grumbled at the woman entrance . Dove ignored Jayden stare through out the class . Jayden smirk then put a headsets over his head , loud music banging in his ears he closed his eyes after wards.
"Class dismissed".The woman said briskly, the students groaned in relief and rushed to get out . Just as Dove was about to walk away she heard her name .
"Miss More ".The woman called .
"Yes ma "Dove replied anxiously "what was the problem ,is her GPA not good enough ,Darn I knew I should had study harder".
The woman notice this and smile "We are cool ". She stood up "To my office ". She said.
."Yes mam ".Dove signed worriedly .
"You too .My Brooklyn ". The woman added .
Jayden frown and rubs his eyes sleepy , he drags his feet behind them .
Till next time. Big hearts to you all