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Aiden's Revengeful Bride

Aiden's Revengeful Bride

img Mafia
img 29 Chapters
img 1.2K View
img Tessie Tulip
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After witness the painful death of her own mom, valentina is left with no other choice but to escape her mafia stepfather, to keep her own skin alive. But it seems faith as other plans for her, as it gets her into an accident with a very handsome but strange stranger, who tries helping her out, because of a resurfacing guilt from the past. Every gift as a price, just as every helping hand needs a reward, or so valentina thought, as she decides to sell herself off you the handsome stranger in for help from him, to defeat her stepfather, not knowing, he was willing to help from the beginning. Aiden a 25years CEO of a multi billionaire empire finds himself playing along the path valentina out, after all who could say no to a sexy gift, especially when it's being offered to him on a platter of gold. " Shhhh, don't breathe out loud. " He whispered beside her ear. His hot breathe making the hair around her neck raise. " Aiden . " Wait. Valentina stuttered. " You want help and I need something to excite my hard heart, it's a win win babygirl. " He placed a gentle kiss on her jawline, making her shiver. " This wasn't the plan. " He chuckled " Even angels can change there plan and route, who says I can't. " He smirked.


Inside a rusty old mansion, the squeaking sound the old crackly wooden stairs made, could be heard with every tip toeing step Valentina took down it.

She could hear the stomping sound, her heart made against her chest, as it beats hard in fear, while she makes her way towards the old mansion gates.

This was the opportunity she had dreamt of forever.

"What the fuck happened?" Elton yelled, making her shrink in fear, quickly hiding herself behind the stairs.

"Why the fuck was she left alone in the room, in the first place." Elton grabbed one of the men collar in anger.

He was few hours from getting pounded alive. If the information about the missing girl gets to the head, then he was done for sure.

"I needed to use the rest room boss; I swear I don't know how she got out." The man shivers in fear, scared he was about to lose his life.

"You all are fucking useless. You go over there, the rest come with me, if she a left the mansion, she won't have gone far then." Elton ordered.

Valentina waited a little long before dashing out of her hiding place. Reaching the mansion gates, she turned back and stared at the gigantic window of one of the mansion's rooms, to see a figure standing there with a smile on the lips, waving back at her.

She raised her hand, waving, she bowed in gratitude, before dashing out of the gates, happy to leave behind all the hurtful memories behind.

She was about to start a new phrase of her life, she doesn't know how, but one thing was for sure, she was free from the continuous sexual assault, days of torture and starvation.

She had on a whitish flower printed, floor length gown on. The gown now stains with blood, which was a prove of how much pain she had endured with her hair tattered and shattered all around.

She ran through the hard tiled dark and quiet streets as fast as she could, wishing to get far away as possible from the horror.

The sound of the tyer crenching hard against, made her heart skip, as she turns towards the flashing light heading towards her.

She felt the hit, and intense pain like never before spread through her entire body, making her sleepy.

She wasn't stranger to this king of sleep, but for the first time in a long time, she tired her best o stop herself from sleeping.

She was jut at the brick of freedom; she couldn't give up now. She repeated severally in her head, as her eyes slowly shut.

At the other side of the Audi A8, was a handsome drunk young man, who had his head on the steering wheels, with blood dripping slowly from the side of his head.

He groans from then pain he felt, lifting his head up, he saw just in time, the face of the lady, she had on a white gown, with a face as pretty as a fairy.

He watches as her body lowly, falls to the wet street floor, his eyes cloudy as well, he lays his head back on the wheel shutting them, but not before making a silent prayer for her.

**********AT NOVACARE HOSPITAL*********

The ambulance arrived at the hospital and two body were pulled out and placed on a stretcher, before being wheeld in.

One of the bodies was a familiar and well know person. The nurses gasped looking at each other, before one of the ran out to inform the director.

"Dr Norwell, we have a situation downstairs, that needs quick attention." The nurse informed barging into office.

"What's wrong?" the man asked getting up on his feet, walking downstairs.

"Aiden Reynolds the owner of Starforge was rushed in here a few minutes ago, he seems to have loosed a lot of blood already, we need to arrange the special doctors." She informed.

It took few moments for arrangements to be made, and one was in the heater treated by special doctors, while one was in the other, being treated be doctors and interns.

"Get in touch with the Reynolds, we have a blood problem." One of the doctors informed.

Few hours later......

"We couldn't get in touch with any of her family, but I assure you Mrs Reynolds that I have the situation, no one is going to say a word about the blood we took out from her." The director said in an act to please the woman in front of him.

It was their last result, Aiden's bank blood was a hard one to find, leaving them with no other option but to withdraw from his victims body, after finding out it marches his.

The woman nodded her head with a sad look on her face. She felt guilty, but she had chosen her own son a thousand times before any other stranger wellbeing.


"We need to inform the Boss, or else we are all going to get into trouble." One of the men from earlier said, panting from the stress of running around to look for the girl.

"Get me the phone quick." Elton stated staring into space.

Valetina was someone they weren't supposed to lose, scratch the fact that she had a terrible father. Mr Cloud was sill going to have all their heads.

Inside the Williams mansion, an old man was on the bed, with three naked ladies around him.

"Boss." The phone was handed over to him.

"Capo. The girl went missing and we can't find her Signore." Elton spoke in a shaky voice.

(Capo is Italian for Boss and Signore is Sir.)

"What the fuck do you mean she went missing Elton." Cloude barked into the phone, throwing down the naked lady he had on his laps.

"I don't fucking care what you are going to do. Find her within 24 hours, or you all are going to replace her in that freaking cell, I call my mansion." He yelled, before the phone went dead, leaving a very pale Elton on the other side of the screen.

Back at Novacare Hospital

"There are bruises everyway on here body, that why we had to test for the blood before giving it to Aiden." Dr Norwell said, showing Mrs Reynold Valentina's 's scan result.

"As anyone reach out to claim her yet?" she asked.

Dr Norwell shook his head before taking a deep breathe. Valentina as been having problem and without a family member no action cold be taken on her. They already crossed the line by taking a lot of blood from her.

The blood bank taken from the lady could be covered, but definitely not an operation. He couldn't avoid to risk both the clinic license and his.

"What do you think?" Mrs Reynold asked, signals at the scans and pictures placed on Dr Norwell's table.

"I think it's assault and it looks like, it's started a long time ago." He replied honestly. Deep inside he was worried for the delicate lady laying unconscious in the room.

Mrs Starforge nodded her head, getting up her feet, she stood up, leaving the room to check up on Aiden.

Valentina Subconscious

I have so many regrets, so many things I wish I had done. I want another chance, another go at life. Mother, you wish me the best life, but it seems like I lived the opposite. Every step of life was as if I was destined for hell.

I don't want to go like this, why do the bad once have to win in life. For the first time I want to be happy, I want win and most importantly I want to live. She whispered to herself inwardly, as she feels her soul leaving her body.

"Help me mother." She whispers out, before everything turned black.

Mrs Starforge, placed her hand on her heavy chest, staring at the waiting room, were Valentina's body was kept for was while, she walking back into Dr Norwell's office.

"Treat her. The Starforge's are going to take responsibility for whatever happens." She said with a determined expression.

"Also no one gets to see, even family and that's a direct order I'm placing as the Chairwoman of the Starforge's."

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